Fact Sheets
More information on infrastructure sites, the pipeline and ancillary features
The infrastructure needed to treat the water and move it through the pipe include five infrastructure sites, a Flow Control Valve, Power Supplies and Valves:
Raw Water Intake & Pumping Station
Located in Garrynatineel, County Tipperary.
Water Treatment Plant
Located in Incha Beg, Birdhill, County Tipperary.
Break Pressure Tank
Located in Cloughjordan, County Tipperary.
Booster Pumping Station
Located in Birr at Coagh Upper, County Offaly.
Termination Point Reservoir
Located in Peamount, County Dublin.
172km pipeline from Parteen Basin to Peamount in Co. Dublin.
Ancillary Pipeline Features
Including, chambers, valves and kiosks.