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Accessibility Statement

We take measures to ensure that our site is easy to use for everyone. Learn more about our accessibility features and the standards we follow.

We are committed to making our website accessible. Our goal is to create a user-friendly experience for every site visitor, including those with a disability. To make our website accessible, we take the following measures:

  • Meet current accessibility standards
  • Introduce new features that support users with disabilities
  • Audit our site regularly to fix inaccessible content
  • Train our team on the importance of accessibility
  • Appoint extra support for those who need it

Accessibility Standards

Our website follows and maintains Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG). WCAG has three levels of compliance: Level A, Level AA and Level AAA. At a minimum, all pages on our site have been built to conform to Level AA compliance. The website also adheres to the following guidelines:

  • complies with all priority 1 and 2 checkpoints
  • all pages validate as XHTML 1.0 Strict

Accessibility measures and features

A number of features have been implemented to ensure accessibility. These features include:

Text size

We make sure that our text sizes are not too small and are easy to read. However, text size is adjustable throughout the site. We use relative font sizes so that it's easy to increase text for people with impaired eyesight.

Text can also be increased or decreased using browser settings:

To increase the size of the text in Windows Internet Explorer select: View > Text Size > Larger/Largest.

Internet Explorer also allows you to zoom in on a webpage using: CTRL & + or CTRL &

To increase the size of text in Firefox Opera and Netscape select: View > Zoom > Zoom In/Zoom Out

Cascading sheets

We use Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) for layout and visual formatting. If your browser doesn't support this setting or you wish to turn it off, all pages are still readable and easy to use. We also provide a print style sheet so that only print information is included in the output.

Page structure

We use headings tags (h1, h2, h3) to give our pages an intuitive structure. This makes it easy to understand priority content and helps divide information.


When possible, we write in plain language that's easy to understand. We monitor our reading levels to keep important information accessible to everyone.

Text alternatives

We provide text alternatives for media to support people with hearing or visual impairments. These text alternatives include:

  • captions for video and audio files
  • text alternatives for images
  • text alternatives for videos

Access keys

Access keys help people with motor disabilities move through the site with keyboard shortcuts. All of our pages support the use of access keys.

  • Internet Explorer: ALT + [Accesskey]...then Press Enter
  • Firefox: ALT + SHIFT + [Accesskey]
  • Google Chrome: ALT + [Accesskey]

  • Google Chrome: CTRL + ALT + [Accesskey]
  • Safari: CTRL + ALT + [Accesskey]
  • Opera: CTRL + ALT + [Accesskey]
  • Firefox: CTRL + ALT + [Accesskey]

Please be aware that key functions on the keyboard may be different for a variety of other browsers.

Support for hearing impairments

We use the Irish Text Relay Service (ITRS) to support people with a hearing impairment. This service translates text into voice and voice into text. ITRS helps people with hearing impairments make calls to our customer service team.

To use this service, please dial 1800 378 378 .

Mincom users can still access this service with the number listed above.


Despite our best efforts to monitor accessibility, there are still some limitations on the site. These limitations include:

  • some pages use fixed fonts
  • some pages have fixed line heights
  • text on some pages is clipped

If you see any issues, please feel free to contact us. We are always looking for ways to make our website more accessible.

Feedback and support

We're here to offer additional support to those who may need it. We have a dedicated Access Officer who can provide assistance or guidance for people with a disability.

If you need help or would like to give feedback on our website's accessibility, please reach out to our Access Officer.