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Kilglass Water Mains Replacement

National Leakage Reduction Programme

Uisce Éireann, in partnership with Sligo County Council, is replacing problematic water mains in Kilglass, Co. Sligo to provide a more reliable water supply and reduce high levels of leakage.

The works involve the decommissioning of approximately 10km of old problematic watermains from Kinard Reservoir to Bourkes bridge. In addition, over 5.5km of new HDPE water mains will be installed in the area. The programme to decommission the old problematic water mains and install new water mains in Kilglass, Co. Sligo will commence in mid-June 2022. These works are being carried out as part of Uisce Éireann's National Leakage Reduction Programme.

The section of works will take place in the following locations;

  1. Along the L2502, from Bourkes Bridge (junction with L2501 by the river crossing at Cuffestown), to its junction with the Kilglass to Rathlee Road (R297) by Kilglass Church of Ireland Church.
  2. Along the R298, from the junction with R297 (at Scott's pub) for 700m towards N59. 3. Decommissioning works at Kinard Reservoir and service transfer from old main in field to a new main on R297.

The works will be carried out on behalf of Uisce Éireann by Farran's Construction and are expected to be completed by October 2022.

Leakage reduction

What are the benefits of the works?

The benefits of the leakage reduction works include:

  • A Reliable Water Supply - Replacement of water mains and service connections will reduce the instances of bursts and water outages and will ensure a reliable supply of water to customers and local businesses in the area.
  • Reduced Leaks - Replacement of water mains and service connections will eliminate existing leaks and reduce the amount of clean drinking water lost into the ground.
  • Improved Operation and Maintenance - These works will deliver cost savings by providing improved water network operation that will require less maintenance in the future.

Traffic Management and Road Closure

In order to complete these works in a safe and efficient manner, a road closure will be required on the L2502 road from mid-June to mid-September 2022. This road closure will be carried out in two phases.

The first phase will take place from the Cuffestown Junction to the crossroads at Kilglass Church. The suggested diversion route for traffic heading in the direction of Kilglass N.S. is continue Southbound via L2501 to the N59 and head Westbound, before taking the Kilglass road (L6507) to the church crossroads. The second phase will take place between the Junction of the Kilglass to Rathlee Road (R297) and the church crossroads.

The suggested diversion route for Westbound Traffic is take the Kilglass Church Road (L6507) to the R297 before continuing Westbound.

Will customers be affected by the works?

Traffic management may be in place during this time. Local and emergency traffic will always be maintained with access provided to Kilglass N.S. for buses and parents / guardians.

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