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Project Benefits

Protecting the Environment and Health

The provision of a secondary wastewater treatment plant for Cork Lower Harbour is a requirement under both European and National Legislation. The Urban Waste Water Treatment Regulations 2001 (S.I. 254 of 2001) as amended, requires sanitary authorities to provide treatment plants which offer secondary treatment, or equivalent treatment, by specified dates according to the population equivalent entering the collection system.

In order to comply with Irish statutory regulations and the European Urban Waste Water Treatment Directive, Uisce Éireann and Cork County Council intend to fix this problem. A sustainable wastewater treatment plant will bring benefits in terms of health, integrity of the environment and improved water quality for all who enjoy this wonderful natural resource.

Economic Benefits

As a result of this Project, water quality in Cork Harbour will significantly improve. Cleaner water will enhance the Harbour's amenity value and act as a platform for social and economic development. The Project includes the capacity for future growth in the Harbour area. The new pipes, pumping stations and treatment plant have all been sized to accommodate an increase in the local population. Uisce Éireann and Cork County Council are making a long term investment in Cork. Furthermore, it will ensure that the water quality standards set down by regulatory bodies will be achieved and this will help Ireland to avoid substantial penalties.

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