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Regional Biosolids Storage Facility

The Regional Biosolids Storage Facility is a facility for the storage of treated biosolids produced from wastewater treatment plants in greater Dublin. The facility was granted planning permission by An Bord Pleanala in April 2019 as part of Ringsend Wastewater Treatment Plant grant of permission. The new biosolids storage facility will form a key part of the upgraded wastewater treatment network for greater Dublin and will facilitate its continued social and economic growth while protecting the environment. Uisce Éireann is progressing a procurement process for the Regional Biosolids Storage Facility. It is likely that construction will commence on the facility at Newtown near Kilshane Cross, Dublin 11 in 2021 and take approximately 2 years to complete.

About this project

The Regional Biosolids Storage Facility will serve the biosolids storage needs for greater Dublin, a need identified in the National Wastewater Sludge Management Plan, published by Uisce Éireann in 2016. It will support the upgrade of the Ringsend Wastewater Treatment Plant and the development of the Greater Dublin Drainage project.

Biosolids are a treated by-product of the wastewater treatment process. The production of biosolids results in a low odour product that is not harmful to human health. They contain high levels of nutrients and are sustainably reused as an organic fertiliser in agriculture, in compliance with EU and National regulations. Approximately 98% of biosolids produced in Ireland are reused on agricultural land.

Biosolids are applied to lands from Spring to Autumn. During winter months, biosolids need to be stored.

The Regional Biosolids Storage Facility will store the treated biosolids produced at the Ringsend Wastewater Treatment Plant and the wastewater treatment plant for the Greater Dublin Drainage Project at times of the year when land spreading is not taking place. No further treatment of the material is required, and no treatment will take place at the storage facility.

The site for the Regional Biosolids Storage Facility at Newtown was selected following a thorough site selection process. The site has undergone all the relevant environmental studies and assessments as part of its planning application and the facility was granted planning permission by An Bord Pleanala in April 2019 as part of Ringsend Wastewater Treatment Plant grant of permission.

The procurement and construction of the Regional Biosolids Storage Facility will observe all planning conditions outlined in the grants of planning permission for both the Ringsend Wastewater Treatment Plant Upgrade and the Greater Dublin Drainage projects.

3D modelling of a indicative site


The Regional Biosolids Storage Facility will comprise of two storage buildings, like modern industrial warehouses, and an administration building within a landscaped site. Uisce Éireann is progressing a procurement process for the Regional Biosolids Storage Facility.

It is likely that construction will commence on the facility at Newtown near Kilshane Cross, Dublin 11 in 2021 and take approximately 2 years to complete.

Contractors have been invited to tender for the construction of the first phase of the Regional Biosolids Storage Facility. This includes the construction of one of the two storage buildings, and an administration building within a landscaped site.

Newtown/Kilshane satellite view highlighted in a map

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