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Freedom of information

Learn about making a Freedom of Information request to Uisce Éireann.

The Freedom of Information Act 2014 is in place to ensure governmental departments and listed public bodies make the information they hold available to the public.

The Freedom of Information Act gives individuals the right to: 

  1. Access official records held by governmental departments and listed public bodies.
  2. Have personal information relating to them amended where it is incomplete, incorrect or misleading.
  3. Be supplied with reasons for decisions made or taken by governmental departments and listed public bodies that affect them.

There are exemptions in the Freedom of Information Act where, due to specific circumstances, the requested information will not be released, for example: to protect another individual's privacy rights. If any exemptions are necessary, the reasons will be provided and explained to you by the Uisce Éireann FOI Unit.

Make a request

Complete the FOI form

To make a request to Uisce Éireann under Freedom of Information legislation, print and complete the Freedom of Information Application Form. Please post the form to Uisce Éireann at: FOI Officer, FOI Unit, Uisce Éireann, Colvill House, 24-26 Talbot Street, Dublin 1, Ireland.

Send us a letter

As an alternative, you may submit your request as a letter to the address above. In your letter, we would ask that you: 

  • Specify that the request is being made under the Freedom of Information Act
  • Give as much detail as possible to support your request to enable us to process it efficiently
  • Include your return address 

Model Publication Scheme

The Model Publication Scheme facilitates access to records held by Uisce Éireann by outlining the structure of Uisce Éireann and guidelines on how to make an FOI request.

Records can be in various formats, including but not limited to: paper documents (including maps and plans), information held electronically (on computer) and audio-visual material.

The Uisce Éireann FOI Unit will issue an acknowledgement letter to you within 10 working days (excluding Public Holidays) of your request being received. The next stages of the process will be clearly explained in this letter.

A decision regarding your request will normally be issued by the Uisce Éireann FOI Unit within 20 working days of the receipt of your request.

In some cases, an extension of time may be necessary to complete the decision. If this occurs while processing your request, the Uisce Éireann FOI Unit will contact you and explain this requirement.

Yes. If you would like to appeal the decision made by the Uisce Éireann FOI Unit, you can do so by sending a request in writing asking for an internal review of the decision to the FOI Officer, FOI Unit, Uisce Éireann, 24-26 Talbot Street, Dublin 1, Ireland. An internal review fee of €30 (€10 for medical card holders) is applicable when appealing a decision and this is to be sent with your written submission. Please see our FOI Fees and Payment Methods page for more information..

The appeal process will involve a full reassessment of your original Freedom of Information request at a more senior level.

If, after the internal review, you are unsatisfied with the decision and you would like to appeal again, your appeal should be directed to the Office of the Information Commissioner.

Further information

For further information on Freedom of Information and Access to Information on the Environment (AIE), please find below some useful links and documents:

Contact us

If you need help making a request or have a query about FOI, you can contact us by email at or by post at FOI Officer, FOI Unit, Uisce Éireann, Colvill House, 24-26 Talbot Street, Dublin 1, Ireland.