Watch ! – Close Calls
Close Calls and Good Catches
In this section Uisce Éireann endeavour to highlight some recent close calls on site, and some Good Catches which prevented incident. Please review these short videos which will share learnings and could play a vital role in protecting you from harm on site.
Lets Share the Learnings
Good Practices
In conjunction with UÉ ’Am I SAFE’ Campaign on the 6th of June, Ward and Burke carried out banksman training on the Old Connaught Road Project covering Blind spots, Pinch points, Safe approach zones and Safe Zones. We have recently had an increase in the number of injuries relating to plant striking people so we ask all our delivery partners to review their plant and people interface on site.
On the Newtown Water Treatment Plant, Glan Agua have installed a sliding rail trench support system, which allows the struts to be moved up or down where high strut clearances are required, for example when laying pipes the rolling struts can be positioned at different heights to provide suitable clearance below for easy installation even of oversized pipes. There are many other advantages to using this system including reducing the number of lifting operations required.