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Upgrading the Water Supply for Ballivor and Longwood

Water Supply Project

Building new Treated Water Storage to benefit over 3,700 customers.

Uisce Éireann, working in partnership with Meath County Council, is proposing to upgrade the storage capacity of the Ballivor and Longwood Water Supply Zones. This project will benefit over 3,700 customers to ensure that both of the water supply zones can meet the demand for treated water and to provide a safe, secure and sustainable source of drinking water to these areas.

The storage tower at Ballivor only provides a 3-hour storage capacity, while there are currently no storage facilities at the Longwood Water Supply Zone. Both WSZ's have been identified as having insufficient capacity to meet future demands and it is essential that they are upgraded to provide 24-hour storage.

What are the next steps?

Planning has recently been submitted for the upgrade works and subject to statutory approvals.



  • Safeguard the water supply to the Ballivor and Longwood areas
  • Ensure both plants have a sufficient storage capacity to meet increasing demands
  • Provide a safe, secure and sustainable source of drinking water to the areas
  • Improve water quality and water treatment standards


  • Construct a new 630 m3 above-ground treated water storage tank at the existing Kilmurray Water Treatment Plant in Ballivor
  • Construct a new 500 m3 above-ground storage tank storage tank at the existing Longwood Water Supply Zone
  • Construction of weather proof enclosures for the tanks, below-ground dechlorination chambers, associated pipework and ancillary works at both plants
  • All construction works will be undertaken in a way to minimise the disruption to the Ballivor and Longwood Water Supply Schemes
  • Construction works will be carried out within the footprint of the plants, therefore minimising disruption to traffic, residents and businesses in the surrounding area

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