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Roundstone Sewerage Scheme

Wastewater Project

Working to eliminate the discharge of raw sewage in Roundstone Bay.

Uisce Éireann plans to deliver the Roundstone element of the Galway Untreated Agglomeration Study (UTAS) project. This project will stop the discharge of the equivalent of 645 wheelie bins of untreated wastewater being discharged directly into Roundstone Bay each day.

The existing wastewater network was originally constructed using clay pipes in the 1920s. Wastewater from the village is currently collected in existing sewer system and is discharged with no treatment in three separate locations into Roundstone Bay.

An engineer pointing at a map

News and updates

Consultations have been on-going with all landowners identified on the proposed scheme. Uisce Éireann was unable to acquire consent to all of the required wayleaves and lands on a voluntarily basis. Given the importance of the project to the wastewater infrastructure, Uisce Éireann has now submitted a Compulsory Purchase Order to An Bord Pleanála to acquire the necessary lands and wayleaves.

In addition to the land acquisition process, Uisce Éireann will be seeking planning permission for the Roundstone Sewerage Scheme in 2020. The timeline for commencement of works is subject to statutory approvals.


  • Improved water quality in the receiving waters
  • Enhancement of Roundstone's amenity value and will act as a platform for social and economic development
  • Compliance with national and EU regulations relating to the treatment of urban wastewater
  • Provision for future growth within the Roundstone area


  • A new wastewater treatment plant that will serve a population equivalent of 1,000
  • Three new below-ground pumping stations to transfer wastewater from the existing network to the new wastewater treatment plant
  • This project is currently in the design and pre-planning stage

For further information you can contact the Project Team at

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