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Omeath Sewerage Scheme

Wastewater Project

Uisce Éireann, working with Louth County Council, has completed an upgrade of the wastewater infrastructure in Omeath.

The new Wastewater Treatment Plant, Pump Station and associated sewer network will mean wastewater is adequately treated and meets appropriate standards before being safely discharged into Carlingford Lough.

Veolia Water Ireland Limited delivered this essential project on Uisce Éireann's behalf.

Omeath wastewater treatment plant

What was involved as part of the project?

The project included the following works:

  • Construction of a new Wastewater Treatment Plant to serve a population equivalent of 1,600;
  • A new Network Pump Station with emergency storage;
  • New Sewer pipelines to bring untreated wastewater to the plant and the treated effluent to the existing outfall pipe;
  • The existing outfall pipe will be upgraded and extended by approximately 50m to safely discharge the treated effluent to Carlingford Lough.

What are the benefits of this project?

The completed Omeath Sewerage Scheme will provide the following benefits:

  • End the current practice of discharging untreated wastewater into Carlingford Lough which will significantly improve the water quality in the area and safeguard human and environmental health;
  • Ensure compliance with National and European regulatory standards;
  • Enhance the amenity value of Omeath, including the protection of recreational swimming, fishing, kayaking and sightseeing;
  • Enable social and economic development and growth, including the delivery of housing, within the Omeath area for current and future generations.

Eliminating Raw Sewage in Ireland

In 2014, there were 50 locations nationwide where raw sewage was being discharged without treatment. By the end of 2023, over 70% of raw sewage discharges by volume were eliminated through targeted investment in new sewerage infrastructure where none existed previously. We are on target to eliminate nearly all of the remainder by 2025, with an investment of over €750 million.

To find out more about our progress to eliminate raw sewage discharges across the country, visit our eliminating raw sewage section.

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