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Midleton Local Infrastructure Housing Activation Fund (LIHAF) Wastewater Project

Uisce Éireann Growth and Development Programme

Uisce Éireann, in partnership with Cork County Council is constructing new wastewater infrastructure in Midleton, Cork to support future growth and development in the area.

Uisce Éireann in partnership with Cork County Council is progressing with the construction of new wastewater infrastructure in Midleton (north) to cater for the future growth and development of the wider Midleton area. These works are being carried out as part of Uisce Éireann's Growth and Development Programme and commenced in late June 2022.

The construction of over 7km of new wastewater pipes and the construction of two new Wastewater Pumping Stations will provide the required wastewater infrastructure capacity to support future social and economic growth in the area.

The works are being carried out on behalf of Uisce Éireann by GEDA Construction Ltd. and, pending planning approval on two aspects of the overall project, are expected to be complete in 2025.

In progress

What does the project involve?

This wastewater infrastructure improvement project is being delivered in phases as follows:

  • Phase 1 (Complete):  The construction of 6km of wastewater pipeline from the Nordic Business Park to Carrigtwohill.
  • Phase 2 (In Progress): The construction of a new wastewater pumping station at Water Rock, on land adjacent to Nordic Business Park. Construction commenced in May 2022 with expected completion in Q2 2024.
  • Phase 3 (Complete): The construction of a gravity sewer from the Nordic Business Park to the Northern Relief Road roundabout and its continuation to the  proposed Midleton North pumping station.
  • Phase 4 (Planned): It is planned to construct a new wastewater pumping station and pipeline at Milbrook Crescent adjacent to the R626. Uisce Éireann lodged a planning application for this phase of work, which was granted planning permission in March 2023, however this has been subsequently appealed to An Bord Pleanála. Uisce Éireann will endeavour to update all stakeholders on a delivery timeline once An Bord Pleanála have finalised their decision.

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