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Leixlip Water Treatment Plant Upgrades


Uisce Éireann is investing almost €20 million to reduce the risk of any future boil water notices and safeguard drinking water to 620,000 people in the Greater Dublin Area.

Uisce Éireann, working in partnership with Fingal County Council, has completed essential upgrade works at the Leixlip Water Treatment Plant (WTP). This investment will benefit over 620,000 people across the Greater Dublin Area (GDA) through an improved water supply. Glan Agua Limited delivered these works on behalf of Uisce Éireann.

The existing water treatment system at the plant had suffered due to limited investment. These upgrades have modernised the existing facilities and improved the quality, reliability and resilience of the water supply serving the Greater Dublin Area. The works on-site commenced in June 2018 and included upgrading the filtration system, the installation of a new ultraviolet (UV) disinfection process and upgrading of the existing disinfection system. These upgrades have resulted in significant improvement in the drinking water quality for consumers in the Greater Dublin Area, while also reducing the risk of any future boil water notices.

In progress
€20 million
Pipes in a water treatment plant

What was involved as part of this project?

This project involved the following works:

  • Upgrade of the filtration system at the plant which comprised the full refurbishment and upgrade of 15 rapid gravity filters at the plant.
  • The installation of an emergency ultraviolet (UV) disinfection system process at the plant to provide additional resilience.
  • Upgrade of the existing on-site electro-chlorination disinfection system including construction of a new back-up system and other refurbishment works.
  • Cleaning, repairing and upgrading of the existing Clearwater tank.  
  • The installation of new turbidity, flow and UVT monitoring system at the plant as well as other ancillary works.
  • Upgrade of the control and monitoring systems to improve the performance of the plant.

Check out this clip of the works carried out at the treatment plant:

What are the benefits of this project?

The upgrade works carried out as part of this project have:

  • Improved drinking water quality for over 620,000 people.
  • Ensured the delivery of safe drinking water to residents and businesses in the Greater Dublin Area.
  • Significantly reduced the risk of any future boil water notices.
  • Improved the security of the drinking water supply.
  • Improved control and monitoring of the plant processes.
  • Ensured compliance with current drinking water regulations.
  • Facilitated the removal of the Leixlip Water Supply Scheme from the EPA's Remedial Action List.

What are the next steps?

Following on from these significant works, a further programme of upgrade works will continue at the Leixlip Water Treatment Plant over the coming years to ensure the continued supply of safe drinking water to the Greater Dublin Area. These works will include the installation of pH correction, which is subject to an EPA Direction and upgrades to a number of processes including coagulation and clarification. These works will further improve the robustness of the water treatment process at both the old and new water treatment plants. We will endeavour to keep you updated as this project progresses.

Inside a water treatment plant

Figure 1: As part of the upgrade, an emergency ultraviolet (UV) disinfection system was installed at the plant to provide additional resilience.

A water treatment plant

Figure 2: Upgrade works carried out at Leixlip Water Treatment Plant are now complete.

A water treatment plant

Figure 3: The new UV building at the Leixlip Water Treatment Plant.

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