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Water Treatment Plant Upgrade

Foxford Water Treatment Plant Upgrade

Uisce Éireann has completed works at the water treatment plant at Foxford, Co Mayo.

Uisce Éireann, working in partnership with Mayo County Council, has completed upgrade works at Foxford Water Treatment Plant. The plant supplies water to the town of Foxford and its environs in east Mayo. These essential works have been carried out in accordance with Level 5 Covid-19 restrictions.

The works involved upgrading the water treatment processes at the plant, thus significantly improving the quality and security of residents' and businesses' water supply. These upgrades are underway and due to complete in Q2 of this year.




The benefits of this project include:

  • Enhanced water quality for Foxford and its environs in east Mayo

  • Improved water security for the residents and businesses

  • Ensured compliance with Irish and EU legislation.


The completed project involves:

  • Installation of new water treatment processes including sand filters

  • Installation of pH adjustment and correction systems, and associated equipment.

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