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Croom Water Supply Scheme

Uisce Éireann has completed works to provide safe and reliable drinking water for the Croom Water Supply Scheme.

Uisce Éireann, working in partnership with Limerick County Council, has completed works to improve the water supply for Croom and the surrounding area. This investment benefits over 1,700 customers, ensuring the delivery of a clean, safe drinking water supply, and removing this area from the EPA's Remedial Action List (RAL).


What is involved as part of this project?

As part of this project, Uisce Éireann has:

  • Developed a new groundwater source at Croom through the provision of a new production well.
  • Installed new filtration, disinfection and control systems.

What are the benefits of this programme?

The upgrade works carried out as part of this project:

  • Enabled the removal of the Croom Water Supply Scheme from the EPA's Remedial Action List (RAL).
  • Improved drinking water quality.
  • Safeguard water supplies for the area.

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