Ballyjamesduff Wastewater Treatment Plant Upgrade
Uisce Éireann is progressing with works to modernise and upgrade the Wastewater Treatment Plant in Ballyjamesduff, Co. Cavan.
Uisce Éireann is progressing with works to upgrade the Ballyjamesduff Wastewater Treatment Plant. This €25 million investment will benefit homes and businesses in Ballyjamesduff and will ensure all wastewater is treated appropriately and will serve a population equivalent of 5,200 PE.
When completed, this project will improve the capacity, allowing for current and future population growth and supporting the social and economic development of Ballyjamesduff.
These works will ensure the treatment of wastewater is fully compliant with EU Urban Wastewater Treatment Directives and Wastewater Discharge Licence Emission Limit Values and will eliminate all non-compliant combined sewer overflows from the treatment plant.
What are the benefits of this project?
The project is expected to deliver the following benefits:
- Improve water quality and integrity of receiving waters benefitting fishing and other water sports.
- Enhance Ballyjamesduff’s amenity value due to a cleaner environment, and thus acting as a platform for social and economic development.
- Ensure that wastewater will be treated in accordance with EU Urban Wastewater Treatment Directives and Environmental Protection Agency wastewater discharge licensing.
What is involved as part of this project?
When completed this project will include the following works:
- Upgrade of the wastewater treatment plant in Ballyjamesduff
- Upgrade of the existing storm tanks
- The construction of a new administration building