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Works to upgrade wastewater infrastructure in Omeath due to begin

Uisce Éireann is working in partnership with Louth County Council to upgrade the wastewater infrastructure in Omeath to end the unacceptable practice of discharging untreated raw sewage to Carlingford Lough. The delivery of this wastewater project will ensure that wastewater is adequately treated and meets appropriate standards before being safely discharged into the marine environment.

Works will include the construction of a new wastewater treatment plant to serve a population equivalent of 1,600; a new network pump station with emergency storage; the installation of new sewer pipelines; and the upgrade and extension of the existing outfall pipe to safely discharge treated effluent to Carlingford Lough in compliance with regulatory standards.

Once completed, benefits to the region will include the end of the current practice of discharging untreated wastewater into Carlingford Lough which will significantly improve the water quality in the area and enhance the environmental amenity of Omeath; protection of recreational swimming, fishing, kayaking and sightseeing waters; and safeguarding human and environmental health.

The project is being delivered by Veolia Water Ireland Limited on behalf of Uisce Éireann and in adherence with current government and HSE COVID-19 guidance. Works are due to commence on site in the coming weeks.

Commenting on the project, Colm Claffey, Uisce Éireann said, "Wastewater infrastructure that is fit for purpose is essential in order to support business and social development in the community. These works will support existing and future residential and commercial development by ensuring adequate capacity for future growth in the area while also improving the overall performance of the sewer network, helping to safeguard the environment. However, it is still really important that people recognise the impact of what they flush so the network can function efficiently and effectively. We all have a role in safeguarding our wastewater network and the environment so it's good to "Think Before You Flush." Flushing inappropriate items like wet wipes, face masks, latex gloves have a negative impact on the wastewater network and our marine environment."

For more information regarding these works, please visit our Omeath Sewerage Scheme project page.

Uisce Éireann continues to work at this time, with our local authority partners, contractors and others to safeguard the health and well-being of staff and the public and to ensure the continuity of drinking water and wastewater services.

Uisce Éireann's customer care helpline is open 24/7 and customers can call us on 1800 278 278. Customers can also contact us on Twitter @IWCare with any queries.

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