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Works complete on the Croom Water Supply Scheme

Uisce Éireann has completed upgrade works to the Croom Water Supply Scheme which will help ensure a clean, safe and secure supply for the area into the future. This investment benefits over 1,700 customers and has led to the removal of this supply from the EPA's Remedial Action List (RAL).

About the works

The works comprised the development of a new production well, disinfection system and supporting infrastructure to supplement the existing supply to Croom. Bringing this additional source on stream also improves the resilience of the local water supply, particularly in times of drought.

The development of this new source, located near the Croom bypass, will increase the volume and quality of water available for homes and businesses in the area and reduce the likelihood of unplanned supply disruption.

Paul Cremin, Uisce Éireann's Asset Delivery Lead

"The is an important upgrade of the Croom Water Supply Scheme which will help secure the supply for Croom, Banogue and surrounding areas. Combined with other related upgrades in the disinfection and telemetry systems, it will help improve the safety, security and resilience of the supply.

"Croom is a growing and vibrant village and having a safe, secure water supply is essential to its ongoing development. For this reason we are very pleased to have completed this important upgrade to the water supply infrastructure in the area."


This project is one example of how Uisce Éireann is working in partnership with Limerick City & County Council every day to address deficiencies in Limerick's water network and safeguard water supplies for communities around the county. Upgrade work is also underway at present in Pallagreen, Oola and Fedamore.

Uisce Éireann continues to work with our Local Authority partners, contractors and others to safeguard the health and well-being of both staff and the public and to ensure the continuity of critical drinking water and wastewater services. Uisce Éireann would like to remind people to follow the HSE COVID-19 advice and ensure frequent handwashing.

Check out our Projects section to see the work we are doing to transform water services across the country.

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