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Uisce Éireann investment continues in Clonmany

Clonmany, situated in Ireland's most northerly peninsula in County Donegal, is set to reap the rewards of Uisce Éireann's leakage reduction programme as ageing water mains in Straid and Gaddyduff are set to get replaced this summer. The works will help put a stop to bursts, outages and leakage in the area and give locals and visitors alike an improved confidence in the security of their water supply.

Uisce Éireann crews are scheduled to arrive in Straid and Gaddyduff in mid-July to begin work on replacing more than 790m of old water mains which are susceptible to regular bursts and high levels of leakage. 

Uisce Éireann's Networks Regional Lead Declan Cawley is looking forward to getting this important project underway. 

"Uisce Éireann is working hard to prioritise the delivery of safe and secure water supply in the Inishowen area. It is great to finally announce that the works in Straid and Gaddyduff is going to commence in the coming weeks, which will reduce the risk of outages from bursts now and into the future. Fewer bursts and less leakage will ensure a stronger water supply for homes and businesses in this busy coastal community." 

The essential works may involve some short-term water interruptions, but the project team will ensure that customers are given a minimum of 48 hours' notice prior to any planned interruptions. 

Declan continued: "We understand that this type of work is inconvenient, and our crews will make every effort to minimise disruption to the local people. These works are essential to ensure Clonmany's security of supply now and into the future, with the long-term benefits far outweighing any short-term inconvenience. We thank the community for their patience and co-operation.

A road closure will be required on the L-5381 in Gaddyduff (beside Mac Toms Bar) to deliver the works safely and efficiently. A signed posted diversion will be in place. Locals can be assured that local and emergency traffic will be accommodated at all times. In Straid traffic lights will be place along the L-155, Urris for the duration of the works.

Farrans Construction will carry out the works on behalf of Uisce Éireann with a completion date of October 2023.  

This project forms part of Uisce Éireann's National Leakage Reduction Programme and will help us achieve our 2030 goal of a national leakage rate of 25%. The National Leakage Reduction team has made great strides since 2018 when the leakage rate stood at 46%. 

Since 2018, Uisce Éireann has invested more than €500 million to upgrade the underground water network across the country through the delivery of the national Leakage Reduction Programme. We are investing a further €250 million every year up to the end of 2030 - fixing leaks and replacing pipes to provide a more reliable water supply.

For more information, please visit our National Leakage Reduction Programme page.

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