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Uisce Éireann and An Taisce empower 142,000 students to conserve water through Green Flag Initiative

Uisce Éireann, is delighted to announce its ongoing partnership with An Taisce's Green-Schools programme for the 11th consecutive year. This collaboration aims to support 519 schools across Ireland as they work towards achieving a Green Flag for water conservation. With 120,000 students actively participating, the grassroots sponsorship focuses on changing behaviours, enhancing education, and fostering an understanding of the vital role that water plays in our daily lives.

Geoffrey Bourke, Head of Customer Operations at Uisce Éireann, commented on the partnership, stating, "Helping the next generation realise the importance of conserving and protecting water is a key part of our role in safeguarding Ireland's water supply. We are delighted to be teaming up with An Taisce again this year for the Green-Schools Water Theme. There are so many small actions we can take to make a difference. We can change simple habits like fixing leaking or dripping taps, reducing shower time and not running the tap while brushing teeth. There are great tips on our website"

As part of the collaboration, and to mark World Water Day, Uisce Éireann recently participated in Walks for Water events in Wicklow, Cork, and Mayo, organised by An Taisce. The initiative aimed to raise awareness about the global water crisis affecting 2.2 billion people living without access to safe drinking water. Participants, including students and teachers, completed a six-kilometre walk carrying recycled cartons filled with water on their backs, simulating the daily journey of women and children in developing countries Schools taking part included. St Michaels Holy Faith Secondary School Finglas.

Sabrina Moore, Senior Coordinator of the Green-schools Water Programme with An Taisce, shared her thoughts on the Walk for Water, stating; "Each year we can see the impact this experience has on participating students. They go home with a greater awareness of what water scarcity is, how important water conservation and sustainable development is, and of course, with a greater appreciation for the beautiful surrounds of places like Glendalough, Cong, and Gougane Barra in Cork."

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