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Uisce Éireann adopts the Regional Water Resources Plan - South West

Uisce Éireann has adopted the Regional Water Resources Plan - South West (RWRP-SW), which will safeguard public health, support growth and meet the challenges of climate change across the South West region over the next 25 years. 

The National Water Resources Plan (NWRP) is Ireland's first 25-year strategic plan enabling us to move towards safe, secure, reliable, and sustainable public water supplies for all of our customers and communities, whilst safeguarding public health and the environment.  

Following on from the adoption of the NWRP draft Framework Plan and associated reports in 2021, the NWRP was split into 4 separate regional plans and, following a public consultation on the second regional plan, the RWRP-SW has been updated and adopted by Uisce Éireann along with a Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) Statement and an Appropriate Assessment Determination.

A consultation report summarising feedback received during the public consultation, along with the RWRP-SW and all associated reports, can be viewed and downloaded on the Regional Water Resources Plan - South West section of our website. Alternatively, our team can be contacted at or 1840 463676, by those who may wish to view the RWRP-SW, AA Determination and SEA statement at one of our offices.

Commenting on the RWRP-SW final Framework Plan, Máiréad Conlon, Regional Water Treatment Planning Specialist with Uisce Éireann said, "Safeguarding Ireland's precious water resources is a top priority for Uisce Éireann. With increasing pressure to meet the current demand for water as a result of population growth, climate change, and our changing environmental regulations, it is essential that we plan ahead. The Regional Water Resources Plan - South West  will enable us to do that in a sustainable way, whilst also supporting economic development and population growth across the region.

"How we choose to plan our water resources today will determine the water supply we can provide now and into the future. The Three Pillar approach of 'Use Less', 'Lose Less' and 'Supply Smarter' allows Uisce Éireann to consider the broadest possible range of solutions through the development of the regional plans. We would like to thank everyone who made a submission to the consultation process. The Regional Water Resource Plan - South West is the second of our regional plans and has now been adopted.

There were 35 submissions received in total, including responses from the Office of the Planning Regulator, the Southern Regional Assembly, and local authorities in relation to national and regional policy for growth and development.

The public consultation ran from 22 December 2022 to 24 August 2022. Hard copies of the public consultation materials were available for public display in 29 local authority offices and at two county libraries for the duration of the consultation period. Uisce Éireann also facilitated webinars for interested members of the public and both webinars and in-person briefings for elected representatives.

Consultation on the Regional Water Resources Plan - South West is now complete and the plan has been updated and adopted. Consultation on the Regional Water Resources Plan - North West took place between 22 November 2022 and 21 February 2023 and our teams are now working on the post consultation analysis. Consultation on the last regional plan for the South East will take place later in 2023. 

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