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Overflows at a number of manholes close to the Dodder river as a result of heavy rainfall

Uisce Éireann in partnership with South Dublin County Council has determined that overflows at a number of manholes close to the Dodder river occurred as a result of heavy rainfall. Following a period of heavy rainfall three manholes on the Dodder valley sewer surcharged.

Clean up

Crews are working to clean up the area as quickly and as safely as possible. The area impacted by the overflow has been cordoned off and signs have been erected to inform the public. The Environmental Protection Agency, Inland Fisheries Ireland and other stakeholders have been notified of the incident.

Uisce Éireann is delivering Drainage Area Plans in Dublin to improve the performance of the wastewater networks, protect the environment and facilitate social and economic development over the coming years in these regions. The survey stage of the current Drainage Area plan for the Dodder Valley area is in the nearing completion.

Think Before You Flush

Although the overflow was not caused by a blockage it serves as a reminder of the issues caused by flushing items like wet wipes down the toilet. We would like to remind the public to "Think Before You Flush" and to only flush the 3 Ps (Pee, Poo and Paper).

When the 3 Ps (Pee Poo & Paper) are flushed down the toilet they travel along the sewer network to our wastewater treatment plants, where they are treated and the effluent is returned safely to our rivers and seas. "Think Before You Flush" is a public awareness campaign about the problems sanitary products and other items can cause in our marine environment and our wastewater network when they are flushed down the toilet. The campaign is operated by Clean Coasts in partnership with Uisce Éireann. For more check out our Think Before You Flush section.

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