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Uisce Éireann progressing with major wastewater project in Kinsealy to safeguard the environment and provide for a growing population

Uisce Éireann, working in partnership with Fingal County Council, are progressing with works on the Kinsealy Local Network Reinforcement Project, a major wastewater project that will have significant benefits for the area. The delivery of this project will provide wastewater services that meet the needs of both domestic and commercial customers in Kinsealy and surrounding areas while also safeguarding the environment. It will also facilitate economic development and provide for a growing population.

The works involve the decommissioning of the existing pumping station at Kinsealy Lane and the construction of a new wastewater pumping station with emergency storage. Works will also involve over 1.5km of new wastewater pipeline along Chapel Road and Drumnigh Road and almost 400 metres of new wastewater network in fields and public roadways as well as a further pumping station off Chapel Road.

Construction works have already begun at the existing Floraville Wastewater Treatment Plant and are now due to progress to public roads. To ensure the safe delivery of these works, traffic management will be in place including a road closure from the junction of Chapel Road to the junction of Moyne Road until 17 November. There will be no through access on Drumnigh Road, however, access to and from Station Road will be maintained. Diversion routes will be clearly signposted and pedestrian and cyclist access has been maintained with cyclists asked to dismount when passing the works. The project is scheduled to be completed in June 2021.

Speaking about this vital project, Dermot Fee, Uisce Éireann, said "This project represents an investment of €4 million by Uisce Éireann and is essential as the current wastewater infrastructure is unable to support the needs of the area. The Kinsealy Local Network Reinforcement Project will safeguard the environment and ensure that the wastewater infrastructure meets the needs of homes and businesses in Kinsealy and surrounding area while also providing for future growth."

Uisce Éireann continues to work proactively with our delivery partners and as part of a multi-agency working group to ensure that our construction works are carried out in a controlled and safe manner, in keeping with Government and HSE guidelines to protect workers, their families and the broader community.

For more information regarding these works, please view the Projects and Plans section of the Uisce Éireann website.

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