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Uisce Éireann and Fingal County Council progress with reinstatement works at South Beach in Rush

Uisce Éireann in partnership with Fingal County Council will carry out essential reinstatement works at South Beach in Rush following damage caused by storms last year. The works will start on Monday 15 February and will be completed within two weeks. The works are being delivered by Jon's Civil Engineering limited in adherence with current government and HSE Covid-19 advice. The works area will be cordoned off and signs will be erected to inform the public.

In 2018 Uisce Éireann completed works to ensure all wastewater from Rush is collected and treated before it is released back into the environment. This €9.7 million investment has stopped the discharge of the equivalent of 8,300 wheelie bins of raw sewage per day into the sea thus improving bathing water quality.

Peter Kehoe, Uisce Éireann said "The Rush wastewater collection project has brought benefits to the local community in terms of safeguarding the environment and social and economic development. The reinstatement works will be carried out as quickly and as safely as possible and measures will be taken to minimise any impact on beach users."

Uisce Éireann continues to work at this time with our Local Authority partners, contractors and others to safeguard the health and well-being of both staff and the public and to ensure the continuity of critical drinking water and wastewater services.


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