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Customers on the Lough Egish Regional Water Supply asked to check for leaks after recent cold spell

Uisce Éireann and Monaghan County Council are asking farmers, homes and businesses on the Lough Egish Regional Water Supply to check for leaks and to conserve water where possible, whilst adhering to public health advice on hand washing and hygiene during COVID-19 restrictions. Overall demand for drinking water at the Lough Egish Water Treatment Plant has increased by 20%, following the recent cold spell that saw sub-zero temperatures over a number of days.

Cold snap

Following freezing temperatures and the subsequent thaw, the public water network has experienced a higher than normal increase in demand. Uisce Éireann working in partnership with Monaghan County Council are asking customers in Lough Egish, Latton, Bawn, Rockcorry, Tullycorbet, Ballybay, Castleblayney and Clontibret to check their water supplies immediately and all water connections including outdoor taps and cattle drinking water troughs for leaks to reduce the current high demands.

Speaking about the current water supply demand in the area, Peter Gallagher, Operations Lead said: "Uisce Éireann working with Monaghan County Council are appealing to farmers, homes, businesses and those responsible for unoccupied buildings to check for leaks whilst adhering to current public health regulations and advice, and to turn off water where it's not needed. We ask that they check outside pipes in particular that can become frozen and burst during periods of cold weather and report any leaks they see on the public network to us. We are also asking the public to conserve water where possible and to only use what they need whilst continuing to adhere to public health advice on hand washing and hygiene regarding COVID-19. We have seen demand increase significantly in the past few days. Safe, clean, treated water is not in unlimited supply and we all have to play a part in conserving it for essential use."

Water conservation

Simple water conservation efforts can have a big impact on reducing demand on the supply such as taking showers over baths and fixing dripping taps where it is possible to do so. We are also reminding people with responsibility for properties that are currently unoccupied to check for leaks and turn off water where it is not required whilst adhering to public health regulations and advice. There are lots more tips on how to conserve water in your home, business or school on our Water Conservation section.

Uisce Éireann continues to work at this time, with our Local Authority partners, contractors and others to safeguard the health and well-being of both staff and the public and to ensure the continuity of critical drinking water and wastewater services and would like to remind the public to continue to follow public health advice on handwashing and hygiene during the global health pandemic.

Report a leak

To report a leak go to our Report a Leak page. .

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