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Communities in Galway urged to conserve water

Information below is relevant until further updates are provided here or on our Supply and Service Updates section.

The current dry spell has seen demand for water across the county increase significantly leading to production issues at water treatment plants

Uisce Éireann is appealing to customers in Galway to be mindful of their water usage as increased domestic and commercial demand is being exacerbated by warm weather conditions. 

The current dry spell has seen demand for water across the county increase significantly leading to production issues at water treatment plants. 

Uisce Éireann's Operations Lead Eoin Hughes is appealing to the public to be mindful of their water usage in order to avoid water shortages and reduced water pressure. 

"Extended periods of dry weather place considerable demands on our water supplies. Several of our water treatment plants are operating at almost full capacity, so we are appealing to our customers to be mindful of their water usage and avoid non-essential use of the drinking water supply during this most recent period of dry weather. This will ensure there is enough water for everyone, including our tourists. 

"Any reduction that customers can make in their usage can collectively result in significant supply improvements for all customers. I would ask that consumers in Galway play their part to help conserve water during this dry period and throughout the summer."

Small changes can make a significant difference. By turning off the hose and avoiding power washing we can all help to protect our water supplies. There are lots of helpful tips for conserving water on Customers can also check out the Uisce Éireann website where our conservation calculator allows people work out how much water they are currently saving and how they can conserve even more. 

Members of the public can report any leaks in the public water network by contacting Uisce Éireann 24/7 at 1800 278 278.

There are a number of easy steps people can take to reduce their water usage during the hot weather, including: 

  • Avoid power washing and keep the garden hose in the shed
  • Check for leaks on outdoor taps or troughs as these can lead to large losses of treated water
  • Remember that paddling pools and swimming pools can use huge volumes of water so try to minimise the amount of water used and consider reusing the water for the garden or cleaning the car.
  • Report any visible leaks on the public network to Uisce Éireann 

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