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€15.5 million investment in Glenties-Ardara Water Treatment Plant Upgrade

With its rolling hills and bountiful beaches, Donegal is already a fantastic place to live, work and visit. And as the county develops and grows, so too does demand for key infrastructure to support that growth. 

Uisce Éireann, working in partnership with Donegal County Council is proud to announce that works as part of the long-awaited €15.5 million upgrade of Glenties-Ardara Water Treatment Plant have commenced. 

The upgrade works will ensure the continued delivery of a clean, safe drinking water supply for approximately 3,650 customers, providing improved water quality, ensuring compliance with current drinking water quality regulations and will safeguard the water supply for current and future generations.

The Glenties public water supply is on the Environmental Protection Agency's (EPA) Remedial Action List (RAL) for high levels of trihalomethanes (THMs) and once completed these works will reduce the risk posed by THMs for customers.

Speaking about the project, Martin Temple, Programme Manager, Uisce Éireann said: "This project is critical to ensure the continued delivery of safe, clean drinking water to homes and businesses in Glenties and Ardara while ensuring continued compliance with drinking water regulations. The EPA's Remedial Action List (RAL) identifies drinking water supplies that are 'at risk' of failing to consistently supply safe, clean drinking water. These upgrade works will enable removal of this water supply from the RAL by reducing the risk of trihalomethanes (THMs) formation in the supply. The project reflects Uisce Éireann's commitment to the efficient delivery of critical infrastructure to support local communities across Donegal."

Martin added: "This project has been long-awaited but finally we have boots on the ground and are eager to get going. These necessary upgrade works will be contained on site so there will be minimum disruption to residents and businesses. We would like to thank the local community for their support and co-operation as we carry out this vital work."

The project involves a programme of works to modernise and improve treatment processes at the plant, ensuring raw water continues to be treated to the highest standards. The works include the upgrade of the pressure filter tanks, storage kiosks as well as essential upgrades to the central controls and monitoring and instrumentation systems which will improve resilience at the water treatment plant. 

The project, which is being carried out by Veolia Limited will be completed by the end of next year. 

Uisce Éireann is responsible for delivering public drinking water and wastewater services for the people of Ireland. We are committed to enabling communities to thrive by continuously upgrading and developing critical infrastructure to support sustainable growth and development, providing safe drinking water, and enhancing the environment.

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