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Lifford Shared Waters Enhancement and Loughs Legacy (SWELL) project

Uisce Éireann is nearing completion of the new wastewater treatment plant at Lifford improving water quality in Lough Foyle.

For a full progress update see SWELL's recent Ezine here. Uisce Éireann is nearing completion of construction works to build a new plant to increase capacity of the current wastewater treatment infrastructure and also to provide secondary wastewater treatment for Lifford and the surrounding area. The works will be delivered as part of the Shared Waters Enhancement & Loughs Legacy (SWELL) project. A €35m EU-funded project which aims to improve the quality of water in Carlingford Lough and Lough Foyle through the upgrade of wastewater assets on both sides of the border.

BSG Civil Engineering Ltd. is working on behalf of Uisce Éireann to deliver the project. The main construction works are expected to be completed in January 2022, with commissioning works to continue until summer 2022.

The SWELL project is being funded under the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF). This project has been supported by the European Union's INTERREG VA Programme, managed by the Special EU Programmes Body (SEUPB).

In progress

Why is this project needed?

The existing wastewater treatment plant is overloaded due to growth in the area and is unable to provide adequate wastewater treatment. As a result the plant will shortly become non-compliant with its Wastewater Discharge Licence.

Upon completion the project will:

  • Provide increased treatment capacity to meet current needs of the town and allow for future growth and reduce the impact of storm water overflows;
  • Improve water quality of River Foyle, Lough Foyle and nearby coastal areas;
  • Ensure wastewater is treated and discharged in compliance with EU regulations.

What is involved as part of this project?

In order to overcome the current deficiencies, the following infrastructural upgrades will be delivered at the Lifford Wastewater Treatment Plant:

  • Upgrading the current plant to cater for 3,000 Population Equivalent (PE);
  • Constructing a new wastewater treatment plant on the existing site providing secondary treatment;
  • Upgrading the pumps and sewer at Sally Gardens Pumping station.

SWELL Newsletter Autumn Winter 2021 issue

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