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Castletownshend Sewerage Scheme

Wastewater Project

This project is needed to stop untreated wastewater being discharged directly into Castlehaven Harbour. The practice of discharging untreated wastewater to the harbour is no longer acceptable.

Uisce Éireann intends to rectify this problem by constructing a new Wastewater Treatment Plant and network infrastructure to ensure that wastewater discharging to Castlehaven meets appropriate discharge standards. The new Wastewater Treatment Plant will bring benefits to Castletownshend in terms of health, integrity of the environment and improved water quality for all. This project will stop the discharge of over 400 wheelie bins of raw sewage into Castlehaven Harbour per day. 



  • The new Wastewater Treatment Plant will bring benefits to Castletownshend in terms of health, integrity of the environment and improved water quality for all
  • Water quality in Castle Haven will improve significantly
  • Cleaner water will enhance Castletownshend's amenity value and act as a platform for social and economic development
  • The project includes the capacity for future growth in the area
  • The project will assist with ensuring that the water quality standards set down by regulatory bodies will be achieved


  • Construction of a new wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) that will serve a population equivalent of 531 which equates to stopping over 400 wheelie bins of raw sewage being discharged to Castlehaven Harbour per day
  • Two new pumping station
  • Upgrading of the existing main street pumping station
  • Sewer pipelines to bring untreated wastewater to the WWTP and treated wastewater to the new sea outfall
  • This project is currently in design and pre-planning stage

For further information you can contact the Project Team at

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