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Ballyvourney/Ballymakeera Wastewater Treatment Plant

Wastewater Project

Uisce Éireann has completed works on a new wastewater treatment plant serving Ballyvourney and Ballymakeera, Co. Cork.

Uisce Éireann, working in partnership with Cork County Council, has completed works on a new wastewater treatment plant serving both Ballyvourney and Ballymakeera, Co. Cork. EPS Group Limited delivered this project on behalf of Uisce Éireann.

These areas were previously served by overloaded and outdated wastewater treatment infrastructure and therefore a new wastewater treatment plant and network upgrades were required.

Two wastewater pipes

What was involved in this this project?

Now completed, this project includes:

  • A new wastewater treatment plant which will serve a population of approximately 2,600 people.
  • Construction of an outfall pipe and upgrade works to the existing pumping station and new rising main.
  • Decommissioning and demolition of the existing septic tank.
A water treatment plant

What are the benefits of this project?

Now complete, the new wastewater treatment plant:

  • Ends the discharge of poorly treated effluent.
  • Improves water quality in the receiving waters.
  • Enhances local amenities and will act as platform for social and economic development.
  • New infrastructure is sized to accommodate future population growth of the villages and the surrounding areas.
  • Ensures compliance with the Urban Wastewater Treatment Directive and EPA Wastewater Discharge Licencing.

Wider Works in Mid-West Cork

Along with this project, Uisce Éireann is also progressing works on a number of new wastewater treatment plants in mid-West Cork, investing over €27 million in the construction of new wastewater infrastructure in the following areas:

  • Dripsey Wastewater Treatment Plant - expected completion late 2021
  • Coachford Wastewater Treatment Plant - expected completion late 2021
  • Innishannon Wastewater Treatment Plant - expected completion early 2022

These projects will improve the wastewater treatment quality and capacity and ensure compliance with wastewater discharge regulations.

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