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Ballbriggan Skerries Network Improvement Scheme

Wastewater Project

Uisce Éireann is investing €8.5 million in the Ballbriggan Skerries Network Improvement Scheme

€8.5 million

Details of upcoming works:

Rush Road Pump Station site

  • Site Entrance off the R128 Holmpatrick from 7:00am - 7:00pm Monday to Friday


Connection Manhole outside Skerries Rugby Club

  • The second footpath is re-open and the temporary pedestrian traffic lights at the pedestrian crossing point have been removed.
  • Manhole construction on the existing roadway (for a new connection and flow diversion) is to commence on 29 October and the traffic flow will be reduced to one-way shuttle past these works from Tuesday until Friday 8 November. Pedestrians will also be diverted to the East path past the works.

ESB Works - Shenick Ave./Holmpatrick

  • Excavation works will commence in the coming days to enable the ESB cable pulling works to be completed on Saturday 2 November (provisional date subject to ESB confirmation). These pits will be located on Holmpatrick footpath adjacent to the Pump Station site and on Shenick Ave at the laneway. Traffic and pedestrian movements will be maintained.

Millers Lane/Holmpatrick Junction

  • Reinstatement works are now complete in this area and traffic management has been removed.

Brookville Lane/Holmpatrick Junction

  • Works are completed and traffic has returned to normal with all temporary traffic lights removed. Connection works remain outstanding here for flow diversions and these will be carried out via manhole entry points within parking bays and will not affect traffic flows.


  • Accommodate an increase in the local population and will facilitate future growth in the area. This investment in sewer network will help meet the wastewater services needs for domestic and commercial customers in Skerries and the surrounding area
  • Ensure treated wastewater complies with EPA standards and EU Legislation
  • Reduce risk of pollution to the nearby watercourses  and coastal areas
  • Investing in the sewer network will reduce the ongoing maintenance cost associated with an aging network

What is involved?

  • Decommissioning and demolition of the existing Rush Road Pumping Station
  • Construction of a new pumping station and adjacent storm storage tank on the existing Rush Road Pumping Station site
  • Construction of approximately 670m of sewer along Holmpatrick Street to Rush Road Pumping Station
  • Work are expected to be completed by 2021

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