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Works in full flow for Moy Town

As Ballina reflects on a momentous 2023, Uisce Éireann is promising a further lift in 2024 as it delivers a project to secure the town centre's water supply for generations to come. 

Uisce Éireann crews will arrive in Ballina within days to begin the progressive task of replacing more than 1.3km of old pipes, which have been creating disruption for the local community in recent times.

The old pipework is susceptible to bursts but those unplanned outages will soon be a thing of the past. 

The replacement works will take place in phases along Pearse Street, Lower Pearse Street, Humbert Street, Dillon Terrace, Pawn Office Lane and Emmet Street. 

Uisce Éireann's Enda Mac Namara is proud to be delivering such a vital project for the people of Ballina. 

"Within months residents and businesspeople in Ballina will see firsthand the benefits of these works. These new pipes will reduce high levels of leakage, reduce outages and improve water quality. The people of Ballina will have a much more reliable water supply for years to come."

Farrans Construction will carry out the works on behalf of Uisce Éireann with a completion date in October of this year. In the meantime, Uisce Éireann will keep the community updated on progress. Residents and businesses in the area affected have already been notified directly, fortnightly updates will be provided to Ballina Chamber of Commerce and signage has been erected in the town and will be updated throughout the project. 

"We will have a traffic management system in place in the form of lane closures with traffic lights, parking bay suspension and footpath closures but areas of work will be in short sections to minimise disruption and local and emergency traffic will be maintained at all times. Our team is working with the community to keep disruptions as minimal as possible," explained Enda 

"We say a big thank you to Ballina Chamber of Commerce for its support and for helping us lay the foundations for a successful project."   

The works may involve some short-term water interruptions, but the project team will give customers a minimum of 48 hours' notice prior to any planned water interruptions. 

CEO of Ballina Chamber of Commerce Mags Downey Martin is looking forward to seeing boots on the ground.   

"This project is vital for the future of Ballina. It will put an end to unplanned outages in the town centre which cause disruption to local businesses. We have met with Uisce Éireann's project team and discussed the works at length and we will continue to work together to get this programme delivered as quickly and safely as possible." 

Customers can contact Uisce Éireann on 1800 278 278 if they have any queries on the project. 

These works are part of Uisce Éireann's National Leakage Reduction Programme. In 2018 the rate of leakage nationally was 46% and now we are on track to achieve a rate of 25% by the end of 2030. 

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