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Upgrades to improve water supply and reduce leakage in Louth

Uisce Éireann, working in partnership with Louth County Council, has completed a water main improvement project in Quay Street, Co Louth improving water quality, eliminating existing leaks and frequent bursts, securing the water supply for homes and businesses in the region.

As part of Uisce Éireann's Leakage Reduction Programme almost 300 metres of old problematic water mains were replaced along Quay Street to reduce leakage and provide the community with a more reliable supply of water and reduce the occurrence of supply interruptions. The works also involved laying new water service connections from the public water main in the road to customers' property boundaries and connecting it to the customer's water supply. Where the existing service connections on the public side were lead these were replaced as part of this improvement work.

Speaking about the replacement of the water mains, Matt Thomson, Regional Lead with Uisce Éireann, said "These works are part of investment by Uisce Éireann to upgrade the water network in Co Louth and were delivered as part of Uisce Éireann's Leakage Reduction Programme. Replacing old pipes will safeguard the water supply for homes that previously experienced interruption to their supply during peak demand periods. The installation of new water mains will also help conserve this precious resource and improve levels of service for homes and businesses in the area. We would like to thank the community and businesses for their patience and cooperation as we continue to deliver vital water network improvement works and leak repairs across the county helping to safeguard the water supply."

Uisce Éireann continues to work at this time with our Local Authority partners, contractors and others to safeguard the health and well-being of both staff and the public and to ensure the continuity of critical drinking water and wastewater services. Uisce Éireann would like to remind people to follow the HSE COVID-19 advice and ensure frequent handwashing.

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