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Srianta le cur i bhfeidhm ar soláthar uisce Oiléan Chléire chun dóthain soláthar laethúil a chinntiú

Impíonn an fóntas ar mhuintir Chorcaí uisce a úsáid go spárálach

Fógraíonn Uisce Éireann, ag obair i gcomhpháirtíocht le Comhairle Chontae Chorcaí go mbeidh sriant oíche á chur i bhfeidhm ar soláthar uisce Oileán Chléire chun a chinntiú go mbeidh dóthain uisce ar fáil d'áitrimh agus gnóanna i rith an lae.

Caithfear na srianta chur i bhfeidhm de bharr go bhfuil breis éileamh ar an soláthar i rith an tréimhe tonn teasa seo. Beidh na srianta i bhfeidhm ón 8.30in - 7.30rn, tabharfaidh an gearradh siar ar an soláthar deis den taiscumar líonadh suas.

Conas is féidir linn uisce a chaomhnú

Má oibríonn muid le chéile chun an méid atá ag teastáil againn a úsáid amháin in ár dtithe agus ár ngnólachtaí, is féidir linn soláthar uisce inbhuanaithe a chinntiú ar son gach duine. Tá leideanna ar an chaoi gur féidir linn uaisce a chaomhnú ag an nasc seo a leanas

Overnight restrictions being introduced in Cape Clear to maintain daily water supply

Due to the significant increase in demand during the recent hot weather, combined with the recent decrease in rainfall, the residents of Cape Clear will experience a night-time water restriction from 8.30pm -7.30am throughout the weekend and until further notice.

Due to the significant increase in demand during the recent hot weather, combined with the recent decrease in rainfall , the drinking water distribution pipe to the Cape Clear Network will be throttled from 8:30pm - 7:30am until further notice.

High ground and the extremities of the networks would be greatest affected.  These areas might experience a reduction in pressure and flow during the throttled period 

The restriction is required to give the reservoir time to replenish and is necessary during this off-peak time, as it is possible that there would be insufficient water supply to homes and businesses during daytime hours without some measures being put in place.

The vast majority of Uisce Éireann's 750 water treatment plants continue to meet the demand for water supply. Uisce Éireann would like to thank members of the public for their responsible use of water and is asking everybody to continue to take some simple steps to conserve water to ensure supplies are healthy into late Summer and Autumn.

Uisce Éireann and Cork County Council are closely monitoring water levels in a number of areas in the county and taking remedial measures to maintain normal supplies, however, the public is still being asked to assist by taking some simple steps to reduce their water use.

Pat Britton of Uisce Éireann, said, "Unfortunately, we must take the decision to introduce night time restrictions throughout the weekend and beyond on Cape Clear. Uisce Éireann understands the inconvenience the restrictions will cause on the people of Cape Clear, but it is necessary to maintain reservoir levels and ensure a sufficient water supply to homes and businesses during normal working hours.

"We would again like to thank the people of Cork in general for their support in conserving water, particularly during this hot weather we are all enjoying. West Cork water levels in particular are very vulnerable and we strongly urge everyone to play their part in conserving water. By reducing the water used, we can all help ensure there is enough water for everyone as we go through the rest of the Summer and into Autumn."

To help people learn more about saving water we have developed an easy-to-use conservation calculator so they can work out how much water they are currently saving and how they can conserve even more. The free calculator is available on our Water Conservation Section where you can also find lots of useful water saving tips.

Uisce Éireann will continue to monitor the levels at all our supplies over the coming weeks and months and take any actions that may be necessary to maintain supplies, including communicating about localised issues as they arise. 

Members of the public can report any leaks in the public water network by contacting Uisce Éireann 24/7 at 1800 278 278 or on our Report a Lake page.

There are a number of easy steps to reduce water usage during the hot weather, including:

  • Avoid power washing and keep the garden hose in the shed
  • Check for leaks on outdoor taps or troughs as these can lead to large losses of treated water
  • Remember that paddling pools and swimming pools can use huge volumes of water so consider reusing the water for the garden or cleaning the car.
  • Report any visible leaks on the public network. 
  • Where householders experience very low flow or pressure, lower than neighbouring properties, they may have a service pipe leak. Uisce Éireann's First-Fix-Free Scheme can help with the location and repair of external leaks.

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