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Uisce Éireann Gender Pay Gap Report

Uisce Éireann today shared details of it's first Gender Pay Gap report for the period June 29th 2021 - June 29th 2022.

Commenting on the report launch, Uisce Éireann CEO Niall Gleeson said,: "The Uisce Éireann Executive team and I are committed to making Uisce Éireann a truly diverse and inclusive place to work. Greater gender diversity leads to more varied thinking, increased creativity and significantly better outcomes which benefit not only our organisation, but the communities we serve. Gender Pay Gap legislation enables us to get a clear and accurate overview of the areas where we need to focus our efforts and actions. Driving a culture that attracts top talent and creating an environment that supports and delivers career progression and growth is fundamental to our".

Uisce Éireann People and Safety Director, Dawn O'Driscoll added,: "I'm proud of the work we have done to date to drive diversity and inclusion in our organisation. Creating a fully inclusive and representative workplace takes commitment and more importantly sustained action. What our Gender Pay Gap data tells us is that we still have more work to do when it comes to female representation in Uisce Éireann. Our focus going forward is to not only encourage women to work at Uisce Éireann but to also continue to develop and grow our female talent, and to take tangible and measured actions to support our colleagues in their career progression. We are also focused on continuing to challenge the societal norms through training and education and to play a proactive role in helping to break down the biases and roadblocks females face in the workplace. Narrowing the gender pay gap will take time, for Uisce Éireann and the wider society. However, we all know that what gets measured gets actioned and we are committed to actioning change".

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