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Change of supply for customers in Thomastown area of County Tipperary

Information below is relevant until further updates are provided here or on our Supply and Service Updates section.

Due to the current high demand for water, the Galtee Regional Scheme in County Tipperary is experiencing a water shortage

Due to the current high demand for water, combined with the ongoing low rainfall levels, the Galtee Regional Scheme in County Tipperary is experiencing a water shortage.

To help manage the situation and ensure water supply for customers, the Thomastown source and Water Treatment plant is being introduced on Friday, 2 June to provide additional capacity.

Customers in the Thomastown area will be supplied from the Thomastown Water Treatment Plant from this date.

Customers may notice a change in their supply as the Thomastown source is a hard water supply. Hard water is safe to drink and meets the drinking water regulations. It is anticipated that the Thomastown Source and Treatment Plant will remain operational during the summer months. This is dependent on water demand on the entire scheme and water levels in our sources.

Uisce Éireann is appealing to customers to conserve water to give the reservoirs time to replenish. We have had a very dry period and with the warmer weather currently being experienced and more forecast, supplies will come under further pressure. Any reduction that customers can make in their usage can collectively result in significant supply improvements for all customers. We would ask that consumers in Tipperary play their part to help conserve water this summer.

Small changes can make a significant difference. By turning off the hose and avoiding power washing we can all help to protect our water supplies.

There are lots of helpful tips for conserving water on Customers can also check out the Uisce Éireann website where our conservation calculator allows people work out how much water they are currently saving and how they can conserve even more. 

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