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Better quality of water for homes and businesses in Elphin

Information below is relevant until further updates are provided here or on our Supply and Service Updates section.

More than 1km of old cast iron pipes has been replaced in the North Roscommon town

With Christmas just around the corner the people of Elphin can celebrate knowing that significant works carried out by Uisce Éireann in 2022 have ensured a greater quality of water for homes and businesses all year round. 

Uisce Éireann replaced more than 1km of old cast iron pipes in the North Roscommon town which will not only reduce the number of bursts but also guarantees local residents and businesses a better quality of water.

Uisce Éireann, working in partnership with Roscommon County Council prioritised the replacement of these water mains, through the national Leakage Reduction Programme. 

Declan Cawley, Leakage Reduction Programme Regional Lead with Uisce Éireann, is proud to have delivered this vital project for the Roscommon town. 

"The water quality in Elphin Town had long been a challenge for homes and businesses. Over time, cast iron pipes can become encrusted and affect water quality and pressure. The new pipework, installed as part of these works has significantly improved water quality."

Declan added: "This mains work is part of a significant investment by Uisce Éireann to upgrade the water network in County Roscommon. We would especially like to thank the community in Elphin for their patience and cooperation as we worked to deliver this vital water network improvement project." 

Vincent Walsh, Acting Senior Executive Engineer, Water Services Infrastructure Projects and Capital Programmes with Roscommon County Council, is delighted that the completed works will benefit the community in Elphin now and long into the future. 

"The importance of replacing these old pipes cannot be underestimated. We would like to thank the residents and businesses in Elphin for facilitating these works and working with us to provide a more secure and reliable water supply for generations to come." 

The improvement works will also reduce the number of outages and save treated drinking water from being lost into the ground in Elphin.

Uisce Éireann continues to work in partnership with local authorities across Ireland every day to reduce leaks. As part of Uisce Éireann's National Leakage Reduction Programme, €500 million is being invested up to the end of 2021 to reduce the level of leakage across the country by fixing and replacing old and damaged water mains. We are investing a further €250 million every year up to the end of 2030. This will ensure a safe, reliable water supply with is vital for our health, our environment and our growing population and economy.

For more information, please visit our reducing leaks section.

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