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Assessment of top 26 Water Treatment Plants completed

In response to two separate incidents that occurred at Ballymore Eustace and Gorey Water Treatment Plants (WTPs) in August 2021, Uisce Éireann has been working intensively with the Local Authorities and the EPA to address the issues that occurred and ensure that the necessary management oversight and operational systems and controls are in place to deliver the highest standard of water quality to customers nationwide.

Among the priority actions carried out was an assessment of the top 26 Water Treatment Plants - of which the population served accounts for 65% of Uisce Éireann's customer base. The purpose of these assessments was to ensure the necessary processes were in place to deal with and escalate incidents which may arise. The assessments focussed on determining the compliance status of each plant and carrying out an Alarm and Inhibit (A&I) review of the disinfection and filtration processes (both of which are critical water treatment processes). 

In parallel to these assessments, Uisce Éireann provided training to the management and operators of the Top 26 Water Treatment Plants on the water quality and water treatment standards applicable to the WTP in question and identified what constitutes a reportable incident as relevant to the plant. 

The assessment has now been completed and a copy of the report is available to view here.

Uisce Éireann is continuing our work with Local Authorities across the country to prioritise the supply of safe, secure drinking water supplies to all our customers.

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