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Turn off your water supply

The inside stop valve allows you to control the water supply entering your home, allowing you to turn the water on or off.

It is important to know where the inside stop valve is for your home or business in case you ever need to turn off the water in the event of a plumbing issue or major leak.

What does it look like?

Inside stop valves can look different but they all have the same purpose, to control the water supply entering your home. 

Find your inside stop valve

Inside stop valves can look different but they all have the same purpose. In homes, they are usually located under the kitchen sink. Other places they might be found are:

  • Inside a hot press / airing cupboard on the ground floor of your home
  • Inside a utility room or garage
  • Under the stairs
  • Under a bathroom sink on the ground floor of your home
  • Inside a kitchen unit / cupboard / press
  • Inside a boiler house
  • Where a gas pipe enters your home

Ask a neighbour

If you have tried these locations and are still having trouble, it's a good idea to ask a neighbour where their inside stop valve is. Nearby homes usually have them in the same place.

Home updates

You might also want to check if any extensions, renovations or architectural changes have been completed in the property. This may help to figure out where the kitchen or kitchen sink used to be located. If you are putting in a new kitchen, don't forget to keep the stop tap accessible.

If you cannot locate the inside stop valve for your home or if you have issues operating it, you may wish to call a qualified plumber who will be able to help.