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Settlements with Waste Water Discharge Authorisations ‐ Wastewater Treatment Capacity Register

The spare capacity available to treat additional loads at the treatment plants changes regularly based upon the loads received from new and existing customers. This register is only an indication of available capacity based on available information at the date of issue and is subject to change.

This register cannot be taken as confirmation that capacity is available for a particular development. In all instances if you are considering progressing a development you should contact our Connection and Developer Services team who  will provide an up-to-date view, and greater level of detail, in relation to the availability of capacity.

This register provides wastewater treatment capacity information only and does not provide an indication of network capacity. In cases where a new development is planned, we may need to make upgrades to the wastewater network to support the collection of the new load and to mitigate the risk of flooding from occurring to our existing infrastructure. We assess whether the wastewater network can support a new development  during the connections process.

Learn more about the Pre Connection Enquiry and Connection Application process in the Connections section of this site.

At all times an executed Connection Agreement with Uisce Éireann is required to ensure a connection can be made and capacity is available for your development. All new Connections are subject to UÉ’s Connections Charging Policy and at all times the issue of a connection offer is a matter for the discretion of UÉ.

RegionCountySettlementWastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP)Reg #Indication of Available CapacityWWTP Project Planned/Underway
SCorkCarrigalineCork Lower Harbour WWTPD0057• Green 
SCorkCobhCork Lower Harbour WWTPD0057• Green 
SCorkMidletonMidleton WWTPD0056• RedYes
SCorkMallowMallow WWTPD0052• GreenYes
SCorkYoughalYoughal WWTPD0139• Green 
SCorkBandonBandon WWTPD0136• Green 
SCorkFermoyFermoy WWTPD0058• Green 
SCorkPassage WestCork Lower Harbour WWTPD0057• Green 
SCorkKinsaleKinsale WWTP***D0132• Green 
SCorkCarrigtwohillCarrigtohill WWTPD0044• Green 
SCorkClonakiltyClonakilty WWTPD0051• Green 
SCorkCharlevilleCharleville WWTPD0204• Amber 
SCorkMacroomMacroom WWTPD0126• GreenYes
SCorkMitchelstownMitchelstown WWTPD0202• AmberYes
SCorkSkibbereenSkibbereen WWTPD0166• Amber 
SCorkBantryBantry WWTPD0168• Green 
SCorkKanturkKanturk WWTP**D0203• AmberYes
SCorkCloyneCloyne WWTPD0298• RedYes
SCorkRathcormacRathcormac WWTPD0200• Amber 
SCorkDunmanwayDunmanway WWTPD0160• Red 
SCorkCastlemartyrCastlemartyr WWTPD0134• GreenYes^
SCorkMillstreetMillstreet WWTPD0332• Green 
SCorkWatergrasshillWatergrasshill WWTPD0201• Amber 
SCorkWhitegate & Aghada/ Farsid/
Whitegate - Aghada WWTPD0423 • GreenYes^
SCorkKilworthKilworth WWTPD0334• Amber 
SCorkNewmarketNewmarket WWTPD0333• Amber 
SCorkButtevantButtevant WWTPD0303• Green 
SCorkDrommahaneDromahane WWTPD0302• Red 
SCorkInnishannonInnishannon Septic TankD0429• Green 
SCorkKilleaghKilleagh WWTPD0301• Amber 
SCorkCastletownbereCastletownbere WWTPD0297• Green 
SCorkDurrusDurrus WWTPD0545• Red 
SCorkBelgoolyRiverbank Estate WWTP*D0541• AmberYes
SCorkDoneraileDoneraile WWTPD0300• Green 
SCorkSchullSchull WWTPD0295• Green 
SCorkBallineen/EnniskeaneBallineen/Enniskean WWTPD0472• RedYes
SCorkKnockglassLadysbridge WWTPD0328• Amber 
SCorkGlanworthGlanworth WWTPD0450• RedYes
SCorkChurchtownChurchtown WWTPD0444• Amber 
SCorkCourtmacsherryCourtmacsherry WWTPD0294• Green 
SCorkTimoleagueCourtmacsherry WWTPD0294• Green 
SCorkRiverstickRiverstick WWTPD0433• Amber 
SCorkRingaskiddy-LoughbegCork Lower Harbour WWTPD0057• Green 
SCorkBallygarvanBallygarvan WWTPD0540• Red 
SCorkGlenvilleGlenville WWTPD0515• Red 
SCorkConnaConna WWTPD0439• Amber 
SCorkBweengBweeng WWTPD0438• Red 
SCorkCarrignavarCarrignavar WWTPD0517• Red 
SCorkBallycottonBallycotton WWTPD0516• GreenYes^
SCorkRosscarberyRosscarbery & Owenahincha*D0172• Amber 
SCorkBallyhoolyBallyhooley WWTPD0432• Amber 
SCorkCastletownrocheCastletownroche WWTPD0293• Amber 
SCorkDrimoleagueDrimoleague WWTPD0470• Red 
SCorkBaile Mhic IreBallymakeera WWTPD0299• Green 
SCorkClondulaneClondulane WWTPD0445• Amber 
SCorkCoachfordCoachford WWTPD0427• Green 
SCorkModel Village or DripseyDripsey WWTPD0426• Green 
SCorkCastlelyonsCastlelyons WWTPD0449• Amber 
SCorkCloughduvCloughduv WWTPD0330• Green 
SCorkKildorreryKildorrery WWTPD0442• Green 
SCorkBanteerBanteer WWTPD0448• Amber 
SCorkBoherbueBoherbue WWTPD0437• GreenYes
SCorkBaltimoreBaltimore WWTPD0296• Green 
SCorkBallydehobBallydehob WWTPD0467• Amber 
SCorkUnion HallUnion Hall Septic TankD0469• Red 
SCorkKillavullenKillavullen WWTPD0447• Green 
SCorkBallycloghBallyclough WWTPD0441• Green 
SCorkBeal Atha an GhaorthaighBallingeary WWTPD0431• RedYes
SCorkKilbrittainKilbrittain WWTPD0425• Green 
SCorkCastletownshendCastletownshend WWTPD0468• GreenYes
SCorkGlengarriffGlengarriff Septic TankD0471• Amber 
SCorkNorth CobhNorth Cobh WWTPD0140• Green 
SCorkAghabullogueAghabullogue WWTPA0355• Green 
SCorkAllihiesAllihies WWTPA0388• Red 
SCorkAnnaghmoreAnnaghmore WWTPA0434• Green 
SCorkArdgroomArdgroom WWTPA0389• Green 
SCorkBallinagreeBallinagree WWTPA0359• Green 
SCorkBallincurrigBallincurrig WWTPA0361• Red 
SCorkLisgooldLisgoold WWTP *A0361• RedYes
SCorkBallindanganBallindangan WWTPA0341• Green 
SCorkBallinspittle (north)Ballinspittle Septic TankA0440• RedYes
SCorkBallinspittle (south)Ballinspittle Village WWTPA0440• RedYes
SCorkBallydesmondBallydesmond WWTPA0326• AmberYes
SCorkBallyheaBallyhea WWTPA0330• Green 
SCorkBallymacodaBallymacoda WWTPA0439• Red 
SCorkBallynoeBallynoe WWTPA0343• Green 
SCorkBartlemyBartlemy WWTPA0339• Green 
SCorkBridesbridgeBridesbridge WWTPA0333• Green 
SCorkCahermoreCahermore WWTPA0390• Green 
SCorkCastlemagnerCastlemaginer WWTPA0324• GreenYes
SCorkCecilstownCecilstown WWTPA0319• Green 
SCorkCill Na MartraCill Na Martra WWTPA0442• Green 
SCorkClondrohidClondrohid WWTP *A0463• Green 
SCorkCoolcowerCoolcower WWTPA0431• Green 
SCorkCoole EastCoole East WWTPA0433• Green 
SCorkCoolea near MacroomCoolea near Macroom WWTPA0523• Green 
SCorkCoppeenCoppeen WWTPA0391• Green 
SCorkCrookhavenCrookhaven WWTPA0392• Red 
SCorkCrookstownCrookstown WWTP *A0354• Green 
SCorkCullenCullen WWTP *A0342• Green 
SCorkDernagreeDernagree WWTPA0332• Green 
SCorkDrinaghDrinagh WWTPA0393• Green 
SCorkDrominaDromina WWTPA0329• Green 
SCorkDungourneyDungourney WWTPA0438• Red 
SCorkEyeriesEyeries WWTPA0395• Red 
SCorkFreemountFreemount WWTPA0336• Green 
SCorkGarryvoeGarryvoe WWTPA0363• Red 
SCorkGlandoreGlandore WWTPA0396• Red 
SCorkGlantaneGlantane WWTPA0325• Green 
SCorkGoleenGoleen WWTP *A0397• Red 
SCorkGrenaghGrenagh WWTPA0524• Green 
SCorkHalfwayHalfway WWTPA0443• Green 
SCorkInchigeelaghInchigeelagh WWTPA0349• Green 
SCorkInniscarraInniscarra WWTPA0441• Green 
SCorkKealkillKealkill WWTP *A0398• Green 
SCorkKilbrinKilbrin WWTPA0340• Green 
SCorkKilcorneyKilcorney WWTPA0320• Green 
SCorkKilcrohaneKilcrohane WWTPA0399• Red 
SCorkKillumneyKillumney WWTPA0435• RedYes
SCorkKilmacsimonKilmacsimon WWTPA0360• Green 
SCorkKilmurryKilmurry WWTPA0358• Green 
SCorkKiskeamKiskeam WWTPA0346• Green 
SCorkKnocknagreeKnocknagree WWTPA0344• Green 
SCorkKnockrahaKnockraha WWTP *A0352• Green 
SCorkLeapLeap WWTPA0400• Red 
SCorkLiscarrollLiscarroll WWTPA0323• Green 
SCorkLombardstownLombardstown WWTPA0327• RedYes
SCorkLyreLyre WWTPA0334• Green 
SCorkMeelinMeelin WWTPA0337• Green 
SCorkMilfordMilford WWTPA0321• Green 
SCorkMinane BridgeMinane Bridge WWTP *A0356• Green 
SCorkMogeelyMogeelyA0558• Green 
SCorkNadNad WWTPA0345• Green 
SCorkNewtownshandrumNewtownshandrum WWTPA0322• Green 
SCorkRathcooleRathcoole WWTPA0328• Green 
SCorkRingRing WWTPA0401• Green 
SCorkRockchapelRockchapel WWTPA0335• Green 
SCorkRossmoreRossmore WWTPA0402• Green 
SCorkRylaneRylane WWTPA0357• Green 
SCorkSaleenSaleen WWTPA0432• Red 
SCorkShanballymoreShanballymore WWTPA0331• Green 
SCorkShannonvaleShannonvale WWTPA0403• Green 
SCorkSherkin IslandSherkin Island WWTPA0404• Green 
SCorkTragumnaTragumna WWTPA0405• Green 
SCorkTullyleaseTullylease WWTPA0338• Green 

Indication of Available Capacity

This register provides an indication of available wastewater treatment capacity based on loads received in 2023 and available treatment plan capacity now or by completion of a project at construction (where relevant).

• Green = spare capacity available.

• Amber = potential spare capacity, additional analysis of applications may be required on an individual basis considering their specific load requirements. Potential availability of capacity in this case would be dependent on any additional load not resulting in a significant breach of the combined approach as set out in Regulation 43 of the Waste Water Discharge (Authorisation) Regulations 2007, which is a matter for the relevant Planning Authorities to determine.

• Red = no spare capacity available at present.

WWTP Project Planned/Underway

Project planned or underway to increase capacity and/or improve treatment performance, based on available information in December 2024.

^ Indication of Available Capacity is based on capacity available on completion of a project currently at construction.                                    

General notes

•  The information in this register has been determined based on a standardised national review of the available information and is subject to change. It is indicative only, non-binding and should not be relied upon.
•  This register provides commentary on the available capacity at the WWTP, it does not consider the capacity of the sewer network.
•  A Pre-Connection Enquiry should be submitted to Uisce Éireann (UÉ) to determine the feasibility of connecting any particular site to the UÉ network, feasibility should not be inferred from this register. Note that a positive response to a Pre-Connection enquiry does not guarantee that a connection can be facilitated in future – an executed Connection Agreement with UÉ is required to ensure a connection can be made and capacity is available for your development. All new Connections are subject to UÉ’s Connections Charging Policy and at all times the issue of a connection offer is a matter for the discretion of UÉ. 
• Should there be a material change to the indication of available capacity during the course of the year, this will generally be updated in the web version of the register and the relevant Local Authority will be notified. 

Reg #

Wastewater Discharge Authorisation Number


*Multiple WWTPs serve this agglomeration - available headroom, where indicated, may not be available across the entire agglomeration.  

** Potential spare capacity. Connection applications and enquiries currently being processed may impact on capacity availability. Connection applications will be assessed on an individual basis considering their specific load requirements, engagement with Uisce Éireann’s Connections and Developer Services Team ahead of planning a project is required. 

***Connection applications and enquiries currently being processed may impact on capacity availability. Connection applications will be assessed on an individual basis considering their specific load requirements, engagement with Uisce Éireann’s Connections and Developer Services Team ahead of planning a project is required. 

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