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Disconnection and Reconnection Policy

Applications can be made in respect of the water or wastewater connection serving a property and the application can be made on a temporary or permanent basis.

The Application form should be completed by (or on behalf of) the owner (either a person or entity) of a Domestic property or Non-domestic property. Please include details of one connection only on this form. In the event you wish to apply in respect of more than one connection, please complete a separate application form for each one.

Please complete all sections of the application in full. Incomplete applications will not be processed and will be returned.

Request to Disconnect or Reconnect to Water or Wastewater network


Fill in the form below to request Disconnection from the public water and/or wastewater network. Alternatively download this form and return by post to Uisce Éireann.

Please note fields with an asterisk * are mandatory.

Do you have domestic or non-domestic property? *

Account Details for the Property

Are you demolishing a property? *
Please note that permanent disconnection will not be permitted

Applicant Details

Are you the owner of the property?

One of our agents will contact you within 3 working days in relation to written consent from the owner.


Type of Request

Please choose the appropriate option

The pipework between the water main and the Uisce Éireann stopcock, as well as the stopcock and meter assembly itself, will be removed. In the case of a permanent disconnection of a wastewater connection, the service connection of the property will be removed from the public sewer and the public sewer pipe fully sealed at this location.

Permanent disconnections may involve excavation works. In the event such works are required within the curtilage of the property, when carrying out reinstatement, resurfacing or making good works, Uisce Éireann will reinstate, resurface and make good as far as is reasonable on a like for like basis.

However, in carrying out reinstatement, resurfacing and making good works an exact match to the surface that was in place prior to the works cannot be guaranteed and Uisce Éireann will only reinstate, resurface or make good the surface area that has been directly excavated as part of the works. Should you wish to re-establish the connection, you must apply for a new connection. Details of how to apply for a new connection are available here.

In normal circumstances the meter will be removed, but the pipework between the water main and the Uisce Éireann stopcock will be left intact. In certain circumstances, the water meter may not be removed.

In the case of a temporary disconnection of a wastewater connection, the service connection of the property will be bunged internally preventing any discharge to the main public sewer.

Disconnection and Reconnection fees apply and are payable in advance of any works. Details of the applicable fees are published on our website.

Once disconnection of a water connection has occurred, Uisce Éireann reserves the right to inspect periodically to ensure that the supply is not being used. Please supply a target Reconnection date. This date must not exceed two years, otherwise you may have to re-apply for a New Connection.

Requested Timeline for Disconnection

It is the responsibility of the requestor to confirm that the information in this section is complete and accurate

Please describe the timeline for disconnection

Connection Details

It is the responsibility of the requestor to confirm that the information in this section is complete and accurate

Type of the connection: *

Temporary disconnection type will not be permitted for Wasterwater only.

Is the connection shared with any other property or properties? *


Disclosure of Information: The European Communities (Access to Information on the Environment) Regulations 2007, as amended, state that every person has a right to access environmental information held by a public authority (subject to certain exemptions). The Freedom of Information Act 2014 as amended, enables members of the public to obtain access to records in the possession of public bodies (subject to certain exemptions). The Applicant is requested to identify all information submitted with the Application which is to be treated as confidential or commercially sensitive and is requested to identify the grounds on which the information may be categorised as such. Uisce Éireann shall, at its discretion, make the final determination on whether any aspect of the Application is to be regarded as confidential or commercially sensitive.
Any personal data you provide will be treated in accordance with GDPR requirements. For more information on how and why Uisce Éireann processes personal data, please view our privacy notice