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Limerick City & County Council (formerly Limerick County Council)

Uisce Éireann's prices are based on the information provided by your Local Authority and are effective from 1st January 2014. Uisce Éireann has made every effort to ensure that prices were correct at time of publishing.

Your current credit terms with the Local Authority will remain unchanged.

Standing Charge (per annum)

Type Price €
First 2 connections €200
Subsequent connections €100

Volumetric Charges

Type Price €
Water Supply m³ €1.25
Wastewater Services m³ €1.45
Combined m³ €2.70

Domestic Allowance (per annum)

228m³ This is the standard domestic allowance for mixed use premises.
Business charges apply to the water you use over this allowance.

Unmetered Charges - Low Water Users

Property Type Water Only Combined
Shop (with no food counter) & pharmacy €200 €270
Garage, filling station (no car wash) €200 €270
Library €200 €270
Funeral Home €200 €270
Bank €200 €270
Business office, e.g. solicitor, accountant, auctioneer €200 €270
Public office e.g. Garda station 10 employees €200 €270
Warehouse / Storage facility €200 €270
Church €200 €270
Factory - non water based production €200 €270
Beauty salon (excl. hairdressers), barbers, guesthouses and B&B's (which have domestic allowances) €200 €270
Holiday homes per unit €200 €270

Unmetered Charges - Medium Water Users

Property Type Water Only Combined
Shop (with delicatessen / food counter / tea and coffee facilities) €280 €450
Doctors surgery, dentist surgery, health centres €280 €450
Licensed premises, pubs (including those with domestic allowances) €280 €450
Public office e.g. Garda station >10 employees €280 €450
Butchers €280 €450
Crèche, day care centres €280 €450
Garden centres €280 €450
Bakeries €280 €450
Farms, dog kennels, stud farms €280 €450
Hairdressers €280 €450
Cinemas €280 €450
Slaughter houses €280 €450
Community halls, community buildings, sports & social clubs €280 €450
Bus companies, tour companies €280 €450
Wastewater treatment plants €280 €450
Water treatment plants €280 €450

Unmetered Charges - High Water Users

Property Type Water Only Combined
Wastewater treatment plants (requiring public water for production) €1,000 €2,000
Water treatment plants (requiring public water for production) €1,000 €2,000
Leisure centres / gyms €500 €1,000
Leisure centres / gyms with swimming pool €1,000 €2,000
Hotels with =30 bedrooms €1,500 €3,300
Hotels with >=30 bedrooms €3,000 €6,700
Hospitals / nursing homes =30 €1,500 €3,300
Hospitals / nursing homes >=30 €3,000 €6,700
Car wash facilities €500 €1,000
Licensed premises, pubs (serving food) €500 €1,000
Restaurants €500 €1,000
Golf clubs €500 €1,000
Golf clubs - where water is used to water the course €3,000 €1,000
Factory - where production process is water based €3,000 €6,700
Caravan / Mobile home parks €1,500 €3,300

Ways to pay

Payments must be made directly to Uisce Éireann (not your Local Authority). You can pay your business water services bill in a number of ways.