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Outage Notifications for Uisce Éireann Business Customers

Please fill in this webform to avail of the outage notification service available to Uisce Éireann business customers for outages lasting more than 4 hours. Once we have processed your request you will receive an SMS confirming you are now included in the outage notification service. We aim to complete your request in the next five working days. By submitting this form, you opt in for the service.

Please provide us with your account number and company name.
Do you have more than one business property? *

Please provide us with your contact email, contact name, contact 
number. We will phone you to complete this process.

Please provide us with your business Eircode, contact email, contact name and mobile numbers required to receive text notification in an event of an outage.

Find your Eircode here

Please enter any additional names and mobile numbers required to receive text notification in an event of an outage.

Information message

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