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RAIN WATER is part of the raw, natural water found in our environment. This includes groundwater and the water in our springs, rivers and lakes.
This RAW water must be abstracted, and then treated to become SAFE drinking water.
from rivers
& lakes
from groundwater
& springs
Raw water is SCREENED to remove large items like sticks, fish and leaves.
The Ancient Greeks boiled and filtered their water through sand to purify it.
The Egyptians discovered how to use coagulants. They even left pictures of their water treatment techniques on tomb walls.
COAGULANT is added to the water to bind fine particles together. These larger, heavy particles are called FLOCS.
Slow sand filters began to be used to treat public water supplies in early 19th century London.
Sand and gravel FILTERS are used to remove the final particles.
Disease carrying micro-organisms, which are too small for the eye to see, are killed during DISINFECTION.
It took until the 1850s to prove the connection between water quality and disease.
Today a modern water treatment plant can be run by as few as two people.
After treatment and TESTING your drinking water is stored, ready to be piped to your home.
How long does it take raw water to become drinking water in your taps?